NACHRCOI is converted to SJFICRC

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Every One Has Right To Live Happy


We work towards ensuring a life free from inequality and discrimination for every human.

India has acceded to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as to the subsequent International Covenants of Economic, Social and Cultural rights and Civil & Political Rights adopted by the Central Assembly of the United Nations.

What Is Human Rights?

ON December 10, 1948 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) – and since then the day has been marked as Human Rights Day. The UDHR is a milestone document that proclaims “the inalienable rights which everyone is entitled to as a human being – regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinions, national or social origin, property, birth or other status”.

Many of us are still unaware of our basic rights as human beings. Read on to know more about why these rights are intrinsic to us and the organisations that are working to defend them.

The Truth About Marijuana

The Truth About Drugs

The Truth About Synthetic Drugs

The Truth About LSD

Director’s Message, human rights and Justice are fundamental institutions of the basic structure of society, therefore it is imperative that every institution of high-learning has a dedicated team which actively researches in the field of law, justice and particularly human rights.

Diwash Lama


Chairmans Message Fundamental rights enshrined in the constitution of India, can be enforced in a court of law and equal to all citizens irrespective of language or ideological differences or place or religion.

Shoukat Hussain Mirza

National Chairman

Presidents  Message,  human rights body by silence procedure, “calls upon States to ensure that all human rights are respected, protected and fulfilled while combatting the pandemic and that their responses to the COVID-19 pandemic are in full compliance with their human rights obligations and commitments”.


International President

(Ex. Vice Chancellor Calicut University) (Present BJP National Vice President Minority Morcha & NRI Co-ordinator )

Shri M Abdul Salam

National Chief Advisor Of SJFICRC & NACHRCOI

(Ex. Addl Chief Secretary Karnataka)

Shri S L Gangadharappa IAS

National Chief Advisor Of SJFICRC & NACHRCOI

(Ex. Information Commissioner-Kerala)

Shri H N Gunavardhanan IAS

National Chief Advisor Of SJFICRC & NACHRCOI

Justice of high court (Rtd)

Justice Chettur. Sankaran Nair

Chief Patron & Honorary Member Of SJFICRC & NACHRCOI

(Rtd. DGP )

Shri Shankar Bidari M. IPS

Karnataka State President Of SJFICRC & NACHRCOI

(Rtd. IFS) 

Shri O Jayaraj IFS

Vice President Kerala State Of SJFICRC 

Shri K Radhakrishnan IPS

General Secretary Of SJFICRC & NACHRCOI

Pride of India award ceremony in Dubai UAE

Our Objectives

Our Vision
As we say one needs knowledge not struggle to avails the rights, SJFICRC is very clear with its vision that every citizen shall understand and easily avail their rights. For a better Nation, we need the best education in every possible field be it the studies or daily fundamentals, knowledge is the key to easier life & we at National Human Rights will follow our vision towards a better nation.

Suicide Prevention & Mental Health Awareness

  • a. To create public awareness by organizing a variety of positive events by involving dedicated individuals and communities across the country.
  • b. To help to prevent suicides by identifying the patients through early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of depression and other mental health conditions.
  • c. to conduct awareness programs designed to empower pupils by increasing their awareness of mental health, as well as healthy/unhealthy behavior, and teaching them skills to diminish unhealthy behaviors.
Our Mission
  • To actively join hands with the Government of India and other Countries to promote Human Rights education and help legal, Social and economic discrimination against women and their exploitation in different ways.
  • To Spread the value education of equality as well as equity, International cooperation, Non-Violent Co-existence, Love, Peace, Justice and Fostering of Human rights for all.
  • To Initiate Job Oriented training(educational as well as Vocational) programs for poor section of society with a focus on women/girls and unemployed youth to better.
  • To work for social progress and betterment of standards of living in cooperation with the Indian Government and other Courtiers to better promote the cause for human rights.

Protection Of Human Rights

  • . To remove hunger and poverty and work for the protection of the environment, relief work, health work, and protection of human rights.
  • b. To create awareness around an issue will gear more momentum for change to protect human rights.
  • c. To encounter discrimination, and the most important thing each of us can do is say something don’t let it slip by. And when you see someone         else stand up, stand with them! when we have each other as support, we are more empowered against injustices.
  • d. To work on various Human Rights issues throughout the country, including communal violence, access to justice, individuals at risk, gender-            based violence, Human Rights Education, Business and Human Rights, and reducing excessive Pre-trial detention.
  • e.  To protect and promote children’s Rights in the form of grant-making, capacity building, community mobilization, network and alliance building, influencing child-friendly policies, resource organization, and nodal agencies that allow for greater outreach on a smaller scale.
  • f. To target the areas of Child Protection, Health and Nutrition, education, disaster risk reduction, humanitarian responce and child poverty.

Drug De-Addiction

  • a. Providing right counselling and efforts for help in de-addiction of Alcohol, Tobacco or Drug effects in common life.
  • b. Establishment of state-of-the-art evidence-based treatments and holistic healing centress to create a unique recovery experience for individuals struggling with alcohol, drug and other addictions.


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