Rules & Regulations


Respected Sir,

I the Undersigned Active/unit Member Pledge to abide by the Rules & Regulation of SOCIAL JUSTICE FOR INTERNATIONAL CIVIL RIGHTS COUNCIL, and adhere that….

01. I will not violate any Rules and Regulations and the discipline of our esteemed Organisation.

02. I also assure you that I will not misuse the Identity Card and my respected post bestowed on me.

03. I also affirm that if norms are infringed by me or missed I will be solely responsible for any legal proceedings towards me, and my Identity Card along with my post will stand  terminated by the organization and the respected Organisation’s decision will prevail on me.

04. I also undertake to surrender my identity Card to the National Admin. Office after its expiry and renewal is a must for continuations of Membership.

05. All dispute subjects are settling by the permission of National Admin. Office to Jurisdiction on H/R only.

06. In case of changing in my residence address I am liable to inform the same to the National Admin. Office.

07. In case of loss of the Identity Card it is my responsibility to inform the National Admin. Office in writing along with the F.I.R. within two days.

08. I know that strict action will be taken against the member if found guilty of floating the rules and regulations of SJFICRC and are also purposes without
their permission.

11. I know that I can’t change the format of the Logo of SJFICRC.

12. Active/unit Members should inform directly to Admin. office if found any type of violence against Human rights and Social Justice.

13. Members will take Immediate Action and inform District President on any Mishaps / Complaints / Evils / Criminal Activities without any fear.

14. Each Member is requested to make New Members every month.

15. Members should visit Hospitals, Jails, Orphanage Homes, Slum Areas, Schools, and other Govt. offices and submit the Monthly Report to the Head office.

16. Members should distribute Clothes, food, Articles to the needy and poor.

17. Members should Organize Seminars, Press Meetings, & Legal Awareness Camps & Monthly Janta Darbar.


I the Active/Unit Member fully agree with the above-mentioned rules and Regulations. This is read and explained to me without any coercion by the Organisation.

Respected Sir,

I the Undersigned Active/unit Member Pledge to abide by the Rules & Regulation of SOCIAL JUSTICE FOR INTERNATIONAL CIVIL RIGHTS COUNCIL and adhere that….

I hereby pledge to uphold the constitution of India & sincerely follow & abide by the objective & ideals of Human Rights & Social Justice Mission an Organisation by the status of Human Rights & Social Justice & declare that I am not a part of any organization that will jeopardize, the SJFICRC’s image of impartiality. I also affirm that I will sincerely render my services without any vested interest & any type of claims and work solely in the interest of the above-said organization. I will not violate any norms of the above-said organization and the governing body of SOCIAL JUSTICE FOR INTERNATIONAL CIVIL RIGHTS COUNCIL is at liberty & liberty to terminate my post and membership from the organization immediately without any notice.

I fully accept the terms & conditions of the above-said organization & I shall have no claim whatsoever.

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